
Front Page Updated

The new front page is posted (...mainly to test the countdown clock, which is working). Unfortunately, this aslo means I'm commited to getting the site going by Labor Day Weekend!

I worked on the majority of the pages this last weekend, and everything seems to work. Now I have to "flesh-out" the text. Most of it is just place holders, but enough that I could go "live" so that that I could invite those to test it. I be sending out notices soon. A good friend keeps saying, "keep it simple," and I just may have to do that, and leave all the rest of the site for later. We'll see how much I get accomplished...

...back to work.

[hint: there is a hidden link somewhere on the page... you could fish around for it and see your cursor change, but the page it links to isn't complete and none of the links go anywhere, except back here.]